











Technical Support

Read the FAQ to your left first.  (Frequently asked questions)
To email a question click on Contact Tech Support to your left.

CD Updates

Sudberry House updates our CD's on an ongoing basis.  To see if you have the latest version look at our CD label.  On the bottom of the label you will see a version number.  You can keep track of any changes we make to our CD's by checking in with this page.  We will provide you with any updates for free by sending you the latest CD update free via USPS.  Often the changes are minor and you will not need the update.  If you find the update is critical and you need to be updated email us your address and your current version number and where you purchased the CD.  Email us at

Latest Updates:

D4200-Winter Friends - Version 4200.02 (updated 11-09-03)  
Thread stop order listed incorrectly on thread sheets for the following files: 4204-4205-4206-4210-4211-4212-4220-4221-4231-4232-4233  Files themselves correct.  You need to download latest thread sheet to stitch these files out correctly.  Click here to download updated thread sheet.

Janome 10000 Customers (updated 11-01-03) -  Sudberry House is now supporting multi-hoop files on all our CD's.  If you have an old CD and want to receive multi-hoop files of our bigger designs email us and we will send out files free of charge.

D3300-For the Kitchen -
Version 3300.05 (updated 5-10-03).  PES update ONLY.  Bowl of Lemons (3306) updated.  Problems reading file fixed.

D3100-Rose Collection
- Version 3100.05 (updated 6-8-03)  -   MAJOR update.  Individual letters added to CD for rose alphabet border-.  78 letters included (26 letters in 14-16-18 count versions).   Yellow Rose (3104, 3105, 3106)  and Red Rose (3125, 3126, 3127) designs updated so stitching is more compact.





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Any comments or questions:
 Email to:
 Copyright © Sudberry House 323 Boston Post Road #3
 Old Saybrook,  CT 06333 860-388-9045